Weekly Activities
Contact us with enquiries regarding any of these activities
Mondays 6:30-8.00pm | RALLY for Boys and Girls During School Terms. Fun and games for children aged 7-12. Rally is about helping build confidence while working towards achieving badges with a focus on learning about God. | |
Tuesdays 7.00-7.30am | PRAYER In the Church Library Area | |
Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm | CAPTURE Ladies' Bible Study Bible study and prayer for those who can make it in the morning. | |
Wednesdays 9:30am | More than Music During school terms. $4 per family. Morning tea provided. Bookings Essential. Call church office for details. | |
Wednesdays 7:15-9.15pm | YROC (Youth Remembering Our Creator) Designed for High School students. Weekly plus weekend events | |
Thursdays Monthly 1:30-3:00pm | SENIORS Afternoon Tea. First Thursday of each month | |
Thursdays 7:00pm-9:00pm | CAPTURE Ladies' Bible Study Bible study and prayer for those who can make it in the evening | |
Thursdays 6:00pm | WORSHIP TEAM Practice In Church Auditorium | |
Fridays 9.30-11.30am | CONNECT Connect with others over a cuppa, crafts and games. Everyone Welcome. | |
Sunday 10:00am | SUNDAY MORNING Service Each Sunday we gather together to worship God, hear His Word, and encourage each other to serve Him in our community. Online every week at rutlandstreet.online.church | |
Sunday 10:30am | KIDZONE - Term Times During School Terms only . This is our Sunday children's ministry for those in Preschool up to Year 8 | |
Sunday | FUSE - Pot Luck and Catch-up An ocassion for school leavers and those in their 20s to meet and talk about life | |