Youth Ministries

RSC is strongly committed to its youth.

RSC aims to ensure our youth see the relevance of God in their lives but also seeks to encourage them to grow in becoming leaders and promoters of the faith we hold so dear.

Jesus really did this well - Discipleship. You can call it by whatever name fits today's context; be it 'mentoring', 'coaching', or 'leadership development', the result should be the same. It's a process of taking people one step further in their journey of faith, from whatever stage you find them in. It's a process of investing in the lives of others in order to allow God to bring an increase.

Our Vision: To create a sense of cohesion between the various Children's and Youth ministries that ultimately produces, in our kids, real spiritual development and healthy, well-rounded, hearts and lives.


Kidzone Picture

At Rutland Street Church we provide a children's ministry catering for children from three years of age through to school Year Nine. Kidzone generally leaves the main Sunday morning church service at about 10:30am and returns at the end. We start our morning with a short time of worship followed by a brief message and prayer before the children disperse to their individual class for various activities. The aim is to provide an exciting, fun environment in which to encourage our young ones to learn and understand more about God and what He desires for their lives.

More Than Music

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This is about children and their parents enjoying time together so they can build great memories and share special times together. The weekly session occurs each Wednesday morning during term time, followed by morning tea where children are able to play with others and adults have the opportunity to meet together, chat, and catch up. Twice a term special theme days provide children an opportunity to mix during Family days, Fish 'n' Chip Nights, Pamper Nights for mums, etc....


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The Rally movement started in 1931 in Newmarket, Auckland and has developed into a club for boys and girls. Rally has spread throughout New Zealand and other parts of the world. Rally aims include building strong Christian character, and increasing knowledge and understanding while developing physical fitness, confidence and team cooperation. Rally is for boys and girls aged 7 to 12 years. A Rally night includes a mix of parade, games, hobbies, badges, Bible lessons and supper. There is a uniform and it is expected that children wear it each Rally night. Rally is held in the Youth Hall during the school term on Monday nights 6:30pm-8:00pm.


Youth Logo

YROC meets weekly to chat about what it looks like to be a Christian and what is our purpose in life. We hang out together and discuss God's Word in ways that can be applied to everyday life at school, on the sports field, with friends, and at home with family. We also get together some Saturday nights to either hang out or go out. The leaders desire to see youth growing in Christ and living out their faith, and seeing Christianity as an exciting journey. We meet in the Youth Hall, 12 Rutland St.

The currently published activities for YROC are:

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If you are wondering just what happens at YROC...this video covering the previous years events will help! Enjoy! If you would love to part of YROC, the team would love to welcome and include you.


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Fuse is a gathering of young adults for Sunday lunch at 12:00. Fuse aims to enrich and deepen our faith and relationship to Christ as they meet around a shared meal. It is a space that allows exploration of the harder questions of faith and the experiences of life. Fuse has been known to enjoy social nights as well.

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