What would Jesus do?
Some months ago a young relative of ours made a friendship bracelet for her uncle. A few weeks later her uncle was awarded a most prestigious award which was covered by international media. As he held the award aloft in his left hand you could see the friendship bracelet clearly on his wrist. Can you imagine how the young girl felt? A gift given; received and retained. Remember those bracelets with WWJD on them? They were a well-intentioned reminder to the wearer when confronted by a situation to ask themselves “What would Jesus do?”
In this period of time in our lives unlike any other we have experienced, now is the time to ask the question – What would Jesus do? The one we worship and follow, the one we look to imitate (1 Thess 2:14, 1 Cor 11:1, 3 John 1:11). At this time, we are constantly being updated on the continuing crisis of covid-19, our phones and computers beep almost constantly with notifications, our email is full of messages from businesses telling us how they are looking after their staff and us, the TV (If you dare to turn it on) can give you world updates 24 hours straight. The pace is frenetic and fear inducing. What would Jesus do?
Perhaps, he would withdraw? In Mark 1:35-37 we read, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. 36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” There was obviously no lockdown, but Jesus prayed alone and ‘everyone was looking for him’.At this time, will we withdraw and spend time in prayer? Will we spend time in growing our relationship with our Creator? Will we? Rather than rushing to the next newsfeed or letting the devices dominate – will we be still for a while? Will you be still in His word for a while? Carve some solitude, perhaps on a solitary walk or in the corner of your house early in the morning or late at night. Do you notice that when things were at the toughest point for Jesus he prayed in communion with the Father and the Spirit in prayer? We are invited to join in this too.
So then, be imitators of Christ, find a solitary space where the phone and social media won’t interrupt where you can be still and know who God is. This enforced lockdown is an opportunity to grow in love for Him as we seek His face and listen to His voice – as a church we can become stronger in our love for Him or we can become more distracted and distanced. Choose love. Why not spend some time meditating on Psalm 46 – read it several times and as you do notice what words are speaking to you, don’t make a theology of it just listen. What words are being spoken to your heart. Breathe and pray. After all, What would Jesus do?God Bless.
26th May 2020
Previous Blogs
The News... : Warren, 1st July 2020Shhh - Listen : Warren, 19th June 2020
Relief? : Warren, 11th June 2020
On the Cusp : Warren, 4th June 2020
In the Beginning... : Warren, 28th May 2020
Seasons : Warren, 21st May 2020
Aroha|Love : Warren, 14th May 2020
How is your mind? : Warren, 7th May 2020
On the Level : Warren, 1st May 2020
Signs : Warren, 24th April 2020
Whakaaria Mai : Warren, 15th April 2020
Essential Worker or Not? : Warren, 8th April 2020
Rumours : Warren, 1st April March 2020
What Would Jesus Do? : Warren, 25 March 2020