What will it be like? How will life change? Will it change or will it just be the same? We have had no end of predictions regarding how life will be different post-Covid. The question is potentially how will we change? Do we need to change?
The early church was founded on two key tenets; the Scriptures and Traditions. Some churches have continued and added to traditions, while others have abandoned traditions and looked to Scripture only. Certainly, the background of RSC is one of Scripture before Tradition, indeed the early Open Brethren were clear that they were responding to the call of the Spirit in a way that few other churches were able to. The idea of traditions was largely abandoned in favour of the new way until such time as the new way became the old way and established itself as its own tradition.
One tradition that the church held to for many years was slavery. The concept that some humans because of their colour were less important than other humans of another colour. Verses, theologies and traditions were established to defend the position while men and women made in the image of God were trampled and disadvantaged, dislocated and subjugated by their Christian owners.
Paul made it clear in Galatians 3:28, 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' The divisions of ancient society were broken by the Kingdom of God. The subjugation of Gentiles, slaves and women ended in Christ – all are one, all are equal, all are relevant, all are valued.
Are there things that need to change post Covid? Yes. But those things were there pre Covid – things like racism (Jew nor Gentile), class distinction (slave nor free) and sexism (male and female). If the church is truly the expression of God’s Kingdom there will be none of these things in His people.
For the white middle class who have been born to privilege we will stand against the denigration of other humans because of the colour of their skin or their country of origin – we will embrace their diversity as Jesus does. When a black man cannot breathe we will feel constricted because he is valued. When an Asian woman is spat upon and accused of ‘bringing the virus’ we will feel the spit and recoil because she is valued.
Are there things that need to change? Yes. The change will start with us, it will not roll down the hill from government or any other authority but it must start with us as we respond to the call of our Saviour to be His hands and His feet in His Kingdom of light exposing racism, classism and sexism and lifting each other to the higher calling.
Perhaps we like William Wilberforce should challenge our own traditions and recognise what needs to change to honour the King. The one who 'is the same yesterday, today and forever.' (Heb 13:8)
Be strengthened by grace,
4 June 2020
Previous Blogs
The News... : Warren, 1st July 2020Shhh - Listen : Warren, 19th June 2020
Relief? : Warren, 11th June 2020
On the Cusp : Warren, 4th June 2020
In the Beginning... : Warren, 28th May 2020
Seasons : Warren, 21st May 2020
Aroha|Love : Warren, 14th May 2020
How is your mind? : Warren, 7th May 2020
On the Level : Warren, 1st May 2020
Signs : Warren, 24th April 2020
Whakaaria Mai : Warren, 15th April 2020
Essential Worker or Not? : Warren, 8th April 2020
Rumours : Warren, 1st April March 2020
What Would Jesus Do? : Warren, 25 March 2020